Process Servers for New York City:
Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Bronx.
Tel.: 718-277-2968 Fax: 347-295-0244
Tel.: 718-345-0244
About New York Process Service
Process Servers Licensed by the City of New York with Over 20 Years of Experience
We are a duly registered legal process servers by the City of New York. We provide service of process for small businesses, government agencies,United States law firms, solo attorneys and the general public in the areas of civil service of process, document retrieval, landlord/tenant case litigation, process serving, New York Family Court petitions and legal courier services. We focus only on civil litigation, not on criminal cases.
We offer guaranteed results or you do not pay (See our Terms and Conditions) if your provide a good address for us to effect service and you do not require documentation in case service is not effected. We offer rush delivery services for all your legal documents and you can verify whether said documents were received or not by calling our office or our process servers in New York City. Also email, phone or fax confirmations are also provided at no charge.
Our New York process servers will help you because:
You will obtain quality, hassle-free guaranteed New York process service, Queens process service, Bronx process service. Staten Island process service, Brooklyn process service, Suffolk County process service, Nassau County process service, and Westchester County process server.
As a duly registered process server licensed by The City of New York (New York Process Server License No. 2067123) to effect service of process in NYC, we are committed to providing professional process service in New York.
You may reach us at: 718 277 2968 or fax us at 347-295-0244 or email us at :
Superior Services From Professional Licensed Process Servers.
Ours is a team comprised of NY licensed process servers and administrative assistants with public service experience, business and computer management and multiple language proficiency who can guarantee results. All it takes you is to give us a call, fax your request or make your service order on this site to get your papers served by a professional NY process server. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American
Express, debit cards and PayPal.
Also we are your best solution to save on litigation costs.
Just consider the cost and inconvenience of hiring in-house staff to do your legal extra work: typists, process servers,courier, document retrieval specialists, court filing personnel, and legal secretary.You could save big by just focusing on litigation and delegating some of those tasks to a licensed process sever who will charge less.
Contact Information:
New York Process Service.
54 Bristol Street, Suite 7F
Brooklyn, New York 11212
Fax: 347-295-0244
Email address:
We own the name "New York Process Service". It is one of our registered trademarks.
Licensed New York Process Servers
We serve your court documents in Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island, and Brooklyn within 2-5 business days