Process Servers for New York City:
Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan and Bronx.
Tel.: 718-277-2968 Fax: 347-295-0244
Tel.: 718-345-0244
FAQs New York Process Service -Questions and Answers
What is
" is the official Web site of New York Process Service aka Superior Services JD, Inc., a New York licensed process server. Also we are a New York State Department of State registered corporation in business since 2002, serving thousands of summonses, divorces, petitions, court orders, judgments, writs, orders, etc. Our success rate at serving process in New York is 95% which means that for every 100 cases assigned to us we serve 95 and only 5 are returned unserved.
How can I pay for your services?
"We accept payments through our partner PayPal (You can also use Visa, MasterCard or your checking account to set a PayPal account ) .We also accept money orders and checks and all major cards . All credit card transactions are handled securely by PayPal . No prepayment is required if you are an attorney or business entity who has an account with us."
Do you employ qualified process servers?
"Yes. In fact we only employ New York licensed process servers for New York. We are a premium process service in New York, therefore we focus on providing professional process service which must be backed only with licensed process.
Do you guarantee your services of process?
"Yes. Our motto is "do not pay if we do not deliver". However there are extraordinary circumstances that may hinder our ability to serve a party in person but you can count on our doing every reasonable effort to contact elusive defendants except if the address provided by you is not correct. In the worst case that the defendant cannot be served, we will issue a "Affidavit of Attempted Service" which will document our service attempts. This certificate can be presented to the judge as proof that service of process was attempted. Said affidavit of attempted service is normally used to get the court to eliminate service of process restrictions (e.g. : the Judge may subsequently allow the process server to effect "substituted service"). It should be noted that if you provide an incorrect address we cannot guarantee service of process. No refund is available in those cases.
Where are you located? Where do I send payment and court papers?
We are located at 54 Bristol St. # 7F, Brooklyn, NY 11212. You can send your court papers and process service payment to this address. Please make check payable to either "New York Process Service" or "Superior Services JD, Inc."
How can I contact you?
"Please contact us by email at" or by phone at 718 277 2968."
Do you disclose the names of your process servers to prospective clients?
"We believe it is in everybody's interest to keep privacy and to protect servers' identities. Therefore we do not volunteer this type of information or any other type of legal information, just like we protect your privacy. However, as New York licensed process servers our agents' names appear on affidavits together with their process server license numbers.
For answers to the additional questions listed below, please email us or call us:
Why should I use a process server? What about hearings where the process server is needed (Traverse hearings)? Are there any extra charges related to your services? Do you turn down process service requests? How much time does it take to serve my papers? If you do not serve my papers, what will you do? I want to collect on a debt or judgement. How can you help me?

We are licensed New York licensed process servers and we have been doing service of process for more than 20 years. We are a premium process service in New York, therefore we focus on providing professional process service which must be backed only with licensed service of process. Our many years of experience suggest that we are the right professionals for service of process in New York City.

If you provide the Defendant's correct address but we failed to effect service of process and you do not require documentation regarding service attempts, then we will provide a FULL REFUND of the process service fee you paid. There are extraordinary circumstances that may hinder our ability to serve a party in person but you can count on our doing every reasonable effort to contact elusive defendants except if the address provided by you is not correct. In the worst case that the defendant cannot be served, we will issue a "Affidavit of Attempted Service" which will document our service attempts. This certificate can be presented to the judge as proof that service of process was attempted. Said affidavit of attempted service is normally used to request alternate service (e.g. : upon reviewing our affidavit of attempted service, the presiding Judge may subsequently allow the process server proceed to effect "substituted service" or "nail and mail"). It should be noted that if you provide an incorrect address we cannot guarantee service of process. No refund is available if you provide an incorrect address or if you require an affidavit of attempted service.
Licensed New York Process Servers
We serve your court documents in Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, Staten Island, and Brooklyn within 2-5 business days